Amitzim: A Look back at Week 3!


Amitzim has spent the past few days riding roller coasters, meeting new friends in camp, doing cool art projects, learning about the parsha or torah portion, celebrating Shabbat and so much more! This past Thursday the entire camp took a trip to Six Flags where we spent the day wandering the park, going on rides and splashing around in the water park. All of the chanichim or campers had a blast! Check out this great picture of some Voc-Eders in the water park:  100_3841

As part of our special Friday schedule we have an hour during the day dedicated to having a peulat tzrif or bunk activity. Bunk 82 organized a wonderful peulah or activity with one of the bunks in Ilanot (rising 4th and 5th graders). The boys spent the morning playing icebreakers and decorating kippot. They had such a nice time that later that night during Shabbat dinner the boys exchanged "shabbat-o-grams" and even wore their new kippot to services. Here is the whole group wearing their beautifully decorated kippot: IMG_0662

On Shabbat morning we had an amazing service outside filled with lots of songs, guests and Shabbat spirit. Two of our counselors, Dan and Dory, wrote a song about this week's Torah portion in order to teach all of Tikvah something new. It was a summary of most of the events in the parsha that was written to a very silly tune yet was still very educational. All participants of the service had a great time singing along. 

We spent the day swimming, playing games with friends, taking a walk around camp and learning about havdallah from our Nivonim friends. We then ended the day with a Tikvah-wide havdallah service. Everyone had a relaxing and joyful Shabbat… Shavua tov from Palmer! 


Categories: Amitzim