Boker Tzrif

Shalom Parents,
On Friday the whole camp participated in a program called boker tzrif. Instead of their regular activities, each bunk was able to sign up for two different activities, and they were also able to design and create a bunk plaque that will hang in their bunk. Ilanot bunks cooked, climbed the climbing wall, jumped on the water trampoline and went to free swim. They also played ga-ga, softball, frisbee, volleyball and kickball. Campers reported back, saying that they really enjoyed their activities!

As always, Shabbat was very restful. We were able to have our first friday night service as a camp, outside in the grove. The weather was beautiful, and being outside really added to the excitement of the evening. We were able to rest and relax on Saturday, and now we are refreshed for the last week of first session! I hope you are enjoying your summer, and check back for news in Ilanot!



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