Boker Tzrif Machon: Dodgeball Extreme

There is a wonderful energy around Boker Tzrif (bunk morning).  This comprehensive Palmer-wide program is masterfully designed to enable each and every bunk’s chanichim (campers) and madrichim (counselors) to grow even closer with each other.  During the time that chanichim are usually attending various chugim (electives) with others in their own edah (division) but not necessarily their own tzrif, this special program focuses on each bunk traveling to several chug-like activities together as a cohesive group.  This is a special Palmer moment dedicated to deepening and strengthening the bonds between and among the chanichim of each and every tzrif.  Pictured here are chanichim from Machon, having a high-energy, extreme dodgeball session with the tireless Matt Duplin.  Matt has been our professional flag football coach this summer, and has learned a few Hebrew words, such as “Beit Am Aleph” which he has been able to remember as he likes olives, and “olive” sounds like “aleph”.  The chanichim and madrichim all participated in this special version of dodgeball called Dr. Dodgeball, which involves sitting down on the court if you are hit, and you may be “healed” and re-enter the game only if you high-five with the Dr. — in this case, the madrich or their designee.  Further rounds may include a nurse, a spy, and other characters.  The game was accompanied by high-energy music and everyone had tons of fun.

Categories: Boker Tzrif, Machon, Sports