Bruchim Haba’im L’Shoafim!

I am so excited to announce the kick-off of Shoafim’s second session!! Today we received an exciting fresh batch of chanichim (campers) and we couldn’t be happier. All four of our bunks are packed with energy and ruach (spirit) for the upcoming month.

This afternoon, our edah gathered for the first time as a new group to meet our wonderful tzevet (staff) and learn our Shoafim song. The chanichim were told the ancient comical story of the tribe of Shoafim, and how our tzevet was originally a small group of hunters and gatherers living in teepees on tzad aleph (A-side). When we heard news of an incoming 58 campers, we built the tzrifim (bunks) they moved into today and prepared food for everyone to eat together as a unified tribe.

Though we did not in fact prepare the food at the carnival today or build our tzrifim from scratch, the campers enjoyed the tale and got to know the madrichim (counselors) that will be facilitating their amazing summer!

After some peulot tzrif (bunk activities) and dinner, we reunited as an edah and the chainichim visited icebreaker stations to get the bonding started! Games were played, life stories were told, common ground was formed. There was plenty of laughter and name trading. All in all it was a successful and important day for both campers and staff. We are extremely excited for the rest of the session!!

Categories: Shoafim