How we celebrate July 4th at Machane Ramah

The Fourth of July at Machane Ramah is celebrated in style!  Chanichim (campers) and tzevet (staff) dress in red, white, and blue, we decorate the chadar ochel (dinning hall), we make announcements in English, sing classic American songs and dance to our favorite pop songs.

Our tzevet mitbach (kitchen staff) and our miktzoim (specialists) had the opportunity to go by bus to get a taste of true Americana at the Amherst fire works tonight.  We handed out red, white and blue beads and glow sticks so they will fit right in.

The chadar ochel was rocking all day long, starting with Av Harris’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at aruchat boker (breakfast):

At aruchat erev, we had a dance party and then sang some of our favorite songs, including “Brown Eyed Girl” and “This Land is your Land.”  Check out the ruach in the videos posted below:


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