Early morning boating: a great way to start the day

A few times a week, tzrifim (bunks) from both tzad aleph and tzad bet have the opportunity to go boating on the Agam (lake) with their friends before the day officially begins.  It is a beautiful, peaceful way to start the day. The chanichim (campers) are so excited to be out on the Agam. Often the mist is still rising off of the water and the quiet from the night before hasn’t yet lifted with the hustle and bustle of the day.

Our amazing matzilim (lifeguards) wake up early to run the peulat (program).  The madrichim (counselors) prepare the chanichim the night before by going over safety instructions and answering any questions. This allows the tzrif to safely maximize their time on the Agam. On the days that we run morning boating, tzad aleph chanichim arrive at 6:45 and tzad bet chanichim arrive at 7:20.  This way there are two tzifim a day that get this magical experience, one of many at Machane Ramah.



Categories: Tzad Aleph, Tzad Bet