Ilanot celebrates Yom Gaga!


Yesterday for a Yom Meyuchad, the tzevet (staff) of Ilanot planned an amazing day full of activities based on the word Gaga. Our kids began the day with Baby Olympics, competing in an obstacle course dressed like todlers.

After Baby Olympics, the edah participated in a Gaga (an Israeli version of floor dodgeball) Tournament.

After lunch, we participated in a program with all of Tzad Aleph (A-side). Together, we decorated wooden plaques that will be hung around camp. These plaques were all in Hebrew, serving as reminders to us all such as, don't forget to turn off the lights, wash your hands before a meal, etc… The plaques are beautiful and will serve as permanent structures in the A-side bunks for all to see for years to come.

For the next peulah (activity) of the day, we went back to our tzrifim (bunks) to create music videos to songs that show bunk pride and teamwork! We later performed these music videos in front of the whole edah at our campfire after dinner.

For our final activity of the day, we split up the banim and banot for a program on the concept of B'Tzelem Elokim. Each chanich/a had a chance to praise each other, things they like about another camper's personality or character, and then what they like about themselves. Counselors talked about the value of each indivicual person and how we can show each other how much we value the other by giving descriptive compliments and also standing up for ourselves. The conversations that happened with both groups, boys and girls, were meaningful and heartfelt. Everyone left the program feeling confident about themselveswith the reminder that we are each made B'Tzelem Elokim.

Please visit the blog later today for videos of our musical performances!

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