It’s a Clothing Calamity!!!

Shoafim had too many clothes – we needed to find something to do with them. So in Wednesday’s peulat erev (evening activity), we had each bunk dress one camper up in as many layers as they could, in addition to asking them to collect as many random items from their bunks as possible.

When they reconvened, we asked each bunch to bring up specific items if they brought them from their tzrifim (bunks), calling out their Hebrew translations for identification. From mitriot (umbrellas) to nekudot (polka dots), the campers had a wide variety of fun items with them! Every few minutes, we had them complete a task: dress one camper up in blue and white and sing a Hebrew song as an entire tzrif; dress up like Arielle (the Rosh Edah) and act like her; spell out Shoafim using your objects.

The results were creative and fun, and we really had a blast doing it k’tzrif (by tzrif). Finally, teams got points for the fastest responses and creativity, and the winning tzrif was granted Breakfast in Bed! We all had a great time, and I’m hoping that we can soon have another excuse to dress up in ridiculous outfits and have a blast together!


Categories: Shoafim