Kochavim Makes their own Ramah Torah!

Today, we in Kochavim made a torah that tells the story of our Ramah journey thus far. Each chanich (camper) learned that the Torah contains many stories, all of which have a morale and a lesson we can take away from each story. We then gave each chanich their own torah made out of construction paper and popsicle sticks. Each kochavimer then drew or wrote about something that happened to them at camp that taught them an important lesson. The Kochavimers wrote so many wonderful things and the chanichim can hardly wait to show their family what they wrote in their Torah! Pictures below!

Photo Aug 04, 11 51 09 AM Photo Aug 04, 11 51 11 AM Photo Aug 04, 11 38 05 AM

Categories: Kochavim