Ma Tovu Ohalecha Ilanot!

This past Sunday night, Ilanot got a taste of camping out. As an edah we used great teamwork as each bunk pitched a tent in the woods at camp. We then played games with our bunkmates inside of the tents, while some of our counselors began preparing dinner over the campfire!

Next, we all gathered around a medura (campfire) to sing songs and eat dinner. We had spagetti, sauce and cheese, rice and beans, and potatoes.  For dessert we made yummy s’mores!

As we sang around the medura, a member of the Shira staff joined us with his guitar. Our voices were loud and proud as we sang lots of Camp Ramah favorites!

As the evening came to an end, we cleaned up our tents and headed to bed back in our bunks. We had a great time with the Teva (nature) staff! 

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