Machon loves Singing on Shabbat

This week our campers/hanichim broke up into their bunks/tzrifim to reflect on what their Ramah experiences have been ad where are some of the important places around the camp/mahane that have meant the most to them over the years. One tzrif discussed how important singing together on Saturday nights has been to them. It is a wonderful time each week wen we sing slow melodies to express our desire for Shabbat to stay with us a little longer. In Machon, we are trying to build towards a greater sense of group identity and unity. So instead of sitting by tzrif, they sit in larger groups of all the boys/banim, and girls/banot. 

















This is a reenactment of what it looks like when our banot sit together, hand in hand, singing together.  It is a moving sight.
And I am looking forward to Shabbat filled with spirit/ruach and singing.


Shabbat Shalom.

Categories: Machon