Magshimim’s last medurah

This evening and night we had our traditional end-of-camp programming where we had a carnival, a banquet dinner, and singing and dancing together as a whole camp. It was lots of fun and a beautiful sight to see everyone singing and dancing and having fun together! After the all-camp program we had our final medurah (campfire) where two of our Israeli counselors told a story, and another counselor talked about Abraham Joshua Heschel. This weekend we are focusing on “shalom,” both its meanings of peace and goodbye. While we are sad for camp to come to a close, our final programs are meaningful and reflective. The chanichim (campers) listened intently to their madrichim (counselors) telling stories. We ended our medurah with the song “od yavo shalom aleinu,” meaning, peace will still come upon us. We are excited and ready to go into our last Shabbat together!

Categories: Magshimim