Shark Tank: Solelim Style

Tonight, Solelim gathered in the Beit Am Bet with found items from their tzrifim (bunks). The chanichim were divided into five groups. Each group was instructed to design an invention using the objects that will help with Jewish holidays, rituals or practices.  Each group then presented their invention to the judges who determined a winner based on creativity, Jewish content and presentation.

The five inventions were: a siddur stand, for when your hands get too tired to hold the siddur; A shoe menorah for when you want to have an interesting work of Jewish art made out of shoes; A challah braiding device with three different settings; Cardfetti: for the simcha where you need confetti that doesn’t fall apart; And the winner: A Torah L’azor (helper) 4 Sure– a device that helps you roll the torah. Especially useful for Simchat Torah.

The judges were impressed with the creativity of the inventions and the presentations.


Categories: Solelim