Shavua Tov from Magshimim

Shabbat services this morning were really lovely. They were lead by Bunk 61/62, with Torah readers from all the bunks. It was so nice to get a new variety of leaders, I was quite impressed by our edah's davening skills! We learned some new tunes (more or less successfully….) and heard a dvar torah from Rosh Hinuch, Heather F.

During the afternoon, some of us played softball, some read on the migrash (lawn), some played frisbee, and others swam in the agam. After many days of rain, having a sunny Shabbat cheered everyone's moods and encouraged us all to spend time outside.

Our Peulat Shabbat was on the theme of responsibility. We began with a short trust walk, and then sat in a circle to discuss what it means to be responsible for others, and to have to trust and depend on others for something we can't do ourselves.

All in all, Shabbat was relaxing and rejuvinating – and we're all looking forward to next week!

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