Shoafim News Flash: A Yom Ragil! (aka: Regular Old Sunday)

The big news in Shoafim this morning, announces Rosh Edah (division head) Claire: it’s a Yom Ragil (regular schedule) — actually somewhat of an anomaly here at Palmer, given how many new, exciting, sui generis events occur each and every day!  Interesting parts of the day today, despite the Yom Ragil-ness: Tefillah was in the “Bekol Ram Aleph” (“Say It Out Loud Sunday”) mode, meaning that all sections of the Amida and Shema prayers were recited out loud, together, as an edah.  This weekly special Tefillah day serves to focus on and enhance prayer skills of our chanichim (campers). Also, today is Yom Doar (mail day) and all chanichim were charged by Claire to write to their…parents!  You will also be very happy to learn that today is Yom Sdinim (sheets day), when your chanich (camper) will…change their sheets! So even though this is technically a “Yom Ragil” there are new and fun activities happening as well.  Here is Shoafim, engaged with their Bekol  Ram Aleph Tefilla:

Categories: Shoafim, Tefillot