Smonkey Bat Mitzva with adat-haIlanot: Siman Tov veMazel Tov!

Sadye R., a chanicha (camper) in adat-haIlanot, had the good luck, fortune and skill to win Smonkey at Six Flags this session.  Her tzrif (bunk) compatriots devised a most fun peulah (activity) where they held a Bat Mitzva service and celebration for Smonkey, complete with a Towel Tallit, a kippa made up of blue frizzy hair and an amalgam of lovingly tossed baseball hats and paper airplanes, lots and lots of speeches, tears, smiles, laughs, nostalgia, memories, and hopes for the future.  The celebration culminated with Smonkey being raised on a chair and serenaded with Siman Tov veMazel Tov.

It was a total hoot to hear what our 9 and 10 year old chanichim have distilled from the various B’nei Mitzva services they have attended in their young lives, and they lovingly reflected all that back in their speeches.  They expressed how happy they were to welcome Smonkey into their lives as an infant, as she was born in a Chinese factory (yes, they checked the tag).  They were open and welcoming, especially important as Smonkey was of [a] different color[s] and size than some of the other chanichim.  They expressed their love for this sweet, large, colorful and amazing monkey, and blew bubbles in lieu of throwing candy.  The last speech was saved for Sadye, Smonkey’s Ima, and the tears flowed copiously as did the Kleenex.



Categories: Ilanot