Solelim Concludes the Summer of a Lifetime!

It is never easy ending a summer at Camp Ramah in New England, but Solelim did everything we could to make it fun and memorable! Starting with the camp-wide banquet on Thursday night, we presented not only our edah song, but also our widely-loved Hebrew chant about showing ruach (spirit)! Friday morning we davened (prayed) at the agam with Sally Heckelman, our wonderful shira (song) leader! Friday in the chursha (grove) and chadar ochel (dining hall), we sang our hearts out! On Shabbat, we explored the theme of preparing for the future and taking camp home. Saturday night, we had ice-cream sundaes, a rocking havdalah, a peulat edah (edah activity) where we showed a Solelim slideshow and presented paper plate awards to each and every chanich (camper), and had our final peulot tzrif (bunk activities). This morning, after spirited tfilot, we sang snippets from our favorite songs and received a parting gift from our madrichim (counselors). It has been an outstanding kayitz (summer), and we are anxiously anticipating coming back for Shoafim 2015!!



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