Today is take your camper to camp day!

Today, on the first yom ragil (regular schedule) at Machane Ramah for kayitz 2017, madrichim are going with their chanichim to all activities. This includes s’chiah in the agam for tzad aleph chanichim (swimming in the lake),  hinuch (Jewish education), Tarbut Yisraelit (Israeli culture which includes shira and rikud), and all of the exciting chuggim (specialty activities).It is a wonderful way to start the kayitz. The madrichim get a chance to know their chanichim and to see the
em in action as they go about their day and the chanichim have built-in tour guides and a support system.  “Take your camper to camp day” is a perfect 

example of how we think about camper care at CRNE. It gives us the chance to ensure that each chanich gets off to a great start!