
Last night was our celebration of Israeli song and dance.  Every edah performed and we addes some higher level dances by the Arts Fest dance team and the varsity dance team that performed at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.   The last performance was done by Nivonim and they got to perform both.  Jeremy Stein and Shani Lachmish (shira staff) and Abby Kerbel and Laura Gurwitz (Rikud staff) did a great job teaching the campers.  Also, none of this would be possible without the incredible work of our tech staff Scott Sherman, Robin Young, Daniel Sissman, Deena Bloom and Max Poses.  The lighting and sound was the best ever.

The kids love Zimkudiah because it is fun and they enjoy watching each other dance and sing.  They cheer each other on.  From our gan kids (who stole the show) to our Mishlachat (Israeli Staff), the performance was a blast!

Categories: Director