Shabbos is Calling by Adina Golob


Shabbos is Calling is a very special program for the campers in the Tikvah program at Camp Ramah in New England. Each Thursday night, during the year, those who choose, log into a video conference website. Everyone is greeted by the smiling faces of their camp friends. All of the participants take a turn to talk about their week and the highpoint of it. We also highlight the upcoming Jewish holidays and the weekly parsha. Our conversation usually turns into talking about how awesome camp is. We end the call by singing Shabbos is Coming, a song that we sing weekly at camp. We also sing Rad Hayom, a song that we sing every night before bed at camp. Leading Shabbos Is Calling has been a really great experience. I find that it is the highlight of my week. For a half an hour each week all of the campers get to be reunited with their camp friends and I know that they all cherish the time.

shabbos is calling compressed

Categories: Tikvah