Adat Ha-Machon Archery Chug (activity)

Bows and arrows and targets oh my! Adat Ha-Machon was suiting up in their arm and finger guards getting ready to shoot the bows and arrows. The protective gear the chanichim (campers) told me is for when the arrow is released and the string snaps so you don’t hurt your arm and fingers. Everyone was having a great time and learning a lot as they took turns in the target area. Maya said, “archery is unique to camp as I can only participate in the sport here at Machaneh Ramah- it’s so much fun!” Jonah said “I had never done archery before I came to camp. This is my second summer in the archery chug (activity) and it’s because of camp that I get a chance to do this sport.” Yuval who is one of the archery teachers said “the great thing about archery is that it’s a progressive sport. You constantly get to improve on working to hit your target. I love being on the archery team because the Tzvet (staff) are professional, hardworking, and a really creative team of people.”



Categories: Chugim, Machon, Sports