Adat Ha-Magshimim & Adat Ha-Bogrim Rope Climbing

The Chanichim (campers) make their way to Ropes Chug (activity) at the Alpine Tower located on Tzad Bet (B side) of camp. When they arrive they put on their harness and helmet. When it is the Chanich’s turn to climb the support rope is tied through the harness also know as the Belay and climbing they go! The team spirit was truly amazing to watch as all of the Chanichim routed for their friends as they climbed the Alpine Tower. They clapped for one another, cheered and called to their friends who were climbing saying “you’re almost there,” “you can do it,” “amazing job!”

Isabelle said, “climbing is so much fun and makes you feel great about yourself- like WOW, I did this!” Abigail said, “it’s thrilling to be climbing even at the parts you feel unsure, but when you get to the top it’s amazing!” Avery said, “it’s a safe way to get over your fear of heights and climbing.” What amazing opportunity for our Chanichim at Machaneh Ramah to be able to participate in such a fabulous Peulah (activity)!