Adat Ha-Magshimim Raft Building/GPS Etgar Peulah (activity)


It was “in camp” Etgar for Adat Ha-Magshimim where they participated in a special raft building/GPS Peulah (activity). The Peulah took place on Tzad Bet (B side) and by the Tzad Bet Agam (waterfront). The program was run by Adventure In Adventure Out, an outdoor adventure team and leadership development program. The program was a GPS scavenger hunt designed to build wilderness GPS skills followed by a raft building competition structured as a team-building challenge. The goals of the program are:

  • Clarifying goals, roles and responsibilities
  • Identifying, celebrating and leveraging personal and group strengths
  • Practicing effective information sharing
  • Creating strategies and processes for high efficacy
  • Practicing patience, cooperation and acceptance
  • Fostering creativity and innovation
  • Engaging in critical thinking
  • Understanding and navigating group dynamics
  • Conveying thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively
  • Practicing listening skills

The creativity, teamwork, and spirit of the outdoors were felt this morning. Yasher Koach (great job) Adat Ha-Bogrim for working together as an Edah Echad (one Edah) and a true team!



Categories: Bogrim