Adat Ha-Nivonim Yom Gesher (Bridge Day)

In so many respects, the Nivonim experience is the culmination of a hanich’s (camper’s) journey through the edot (divisions) here at Machaneh Ramah. But it is also the beginning of a new journey: that of one day coming back to camp as a member of our summer tzevet (staff). To that end, a key element of the Nivonim experience is the summer-long Hadracha (Leadership Training) Program.

All of our Nivonimers participate in the Leadership Training Program and are considered Madrichim B’Nivonim (counselors that are Nivonimers) — or MiNis for short. MiNis placed in one of the many Netivei Manhigut (Leadership Tracks) which are led by our amazing tzevet (staff). We dedicate several hours, each week, for training with our nativ (track) leaders, as well as time that each nativ will spend training “in the field.” Each track spearheaded by one member of our Nivonim staff (or another senior staff member from around camp), and each track offering exciting opportunities for the development of high-level skills and leadership experience in that particular area of specialization. Each track offers opportunities for participants to spend time working with campers in younger edot over the course of the summer. Each track helps to start our Nivonimers on the journey of transition from being a receiver of the Ramah experience to being a transmitter of that experience.

This week our Nivonimers participated in a program called Yom Gesher. The Hebrew word for bridge is Gesher and this was a transitional experience for our Nivonimers giving then a 24-hour full-on experience as to what the roles and responsibilities of a madrich (counselor) in a bunk entail. In their leadership roles in camp our Nivonimers generally only spend a perek (portion) or two a day with the younger hanichim in camp however, they began Tuesday night with helping the hanichim in the tzrifim (bunks) get ready for bed, and they brought them to breakfast the next morning and spent the entire day going from peulah (activity) to meals, to directing the nikayon (cleaning) in the bunks.

The goal of Yom Gesher was really the culmination of the Hadracha (training) that they have been a part of all kayitz (summer). In was putting into practice everything that they had learned, and understanding and experiencing firsthand the role of a madrich anaf (bunk counselor). Watching our Nivonimers throughout the day with their different anafim, we can say with full confidence that they did an amazing job. We are so proud to see that they were able to internalize all of the skills that they had learned in their respective hadracha program and put it into action. Kol Hakavod (great job) Nivonim, you have made us proud and we look forward one day to welcoming you back to machaneh ramah on tzevet!

Kobe said, “it was really interesting getting a new perspective on camp, from the counselors point of view rather than the campers.”

Ariella said, “Yom Gesher was an amazing experience where we really got to know and interact with the chanichim.”

Sarah said, “it was really fun to get to know the campers at the same time it was really a lesson in the responsibility that a counselor has for the well-being of their chanichim.”

Jacob said, “the experience for me was so amazing it really made me want to come back as a counselor.”

Ethan said, “I thought it was a really great way for campers to experience what it means to be a counselor. It made me appreciate my counselors a lot.”

Avi said, “it was fun getting to relive a day on Tzad Aleph, it was special.”


Categories: Nivonim