Behind the Scenes: The Memorial


As you walk from Tzad Aleph to Tzad Bet, on the left of the road as you reach the Beit Midrash, you'll find an Israeli flag flying next to what looks like two graves.

You've reached the memorial  site at Camp Ramah which honors the fallen of the Israeli Defence Forces who gave their lives in the line of duty, and also those killed in terrorist attacks.

Shlomi, a member of the mishlachat (Israeli delegation) at camp, explains more.


 I was there the morning Shlomi told his own, very personal story of how his commanding officer died. At his request, I have not added the video I took at the time and I am not relating the details he shared.

Shlomi's story was incredibly moving. I am sure it deeply affected everyone who heard it that day. I, for one, will never forget the telling of it.

I will just say this (at the risk of incurring the wrath of Shlomi): Shlomi is a hero.

His story is one of many. Throughout the summer, our mishlachat has been sharing their stories. We salute all of them.

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