Machon Etgar Etgar!


Machon Etgar is off to a great start! Yesterday, the camping groups prepared for their respective trips by meeting their leaders from Adventure In Adventure Out, getting their gear organized and packed, and learning about what they would be doing day to day. 

The community service groups prepared by learning about the areas they would be going to and the types of service they would be doing in those communities. 

Today, everyone left for their Etgar trips and the chanichim (campers) are having a spectacular time! The backpacking trip reached a summit and got to look out at the breathtaking view. 

Canoeing paddled along the Connecticut River for 3 hours today to reach their camp for the night.  

Those on the rock climbing trip enjoyed singing together in a cave and relaxing in a water fall.


Biking Etgar rode many miles in order to make it to their camp. 

The community services trips had plenty of fun, too! The Boston trip got to help glean on a farm, the NYC trips partook in evening strolls through Central Park and Brooklyn respectively. We’re excited for what the next couple of days have in store!


Categories: Machon