Ilanot Medurah

Tonight we had a great medurah (campfire) in Ilanot!

Even though it rained today, the skies were clear just in time for our Medurah — the wood was a little wet, but with the help of our chanichim (campers) we made it work!

After lighting the bonfire, we started our singing with our favorite song – Agvaniyot (tomato) – led by no other than our own Ilanot banim (boys). After singing a few songs, we started a game of Make Your Madrich (Counselor) Laugh! The chanichim were trying to get their Madrichim laughing while the Madrichim had water in their mouth- it was hilarious.

After a fun and funny night, we did our traditional night song, Rad Hayom, and we went to bed happy and tired!

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Categories: Ilanot