Ilanoters write their own prayers!

This morning, as part of t'filah, our chanichim in Ilanot wrote their own prayers. They joined together by tzrif to think about what they are thankful for, what makes them happy, and anything else they want to communicate with G-d. Below are the prayers written by each tzrif!

Tzrif 10:

Thank you G-d for giving us a camp filled with food and water, friends, ruach, community, cooperation, and family. We would like to ask you for peace, a safe trip home, health, and a sababa (awesome) time at camp!


Tzrif 11/12:

Thank you for giving us Machane Ramah! Thank you for chocolate! Thank you for friends and family! Thank you for health! Please keep our families healthy and safe. Thank you for the peace we have- please give us the peace we need. Thank you for good clothing. Please give us increasing happiness! Thank you for giving us food to eat (and candy)!


Tzrif 13:

We ask you G-d for peace and happiness. Thanks for giving a day to start over. thanks for keeping our families safe and healthy. Thanks for allowing us to come to camp. Thanks for giving us each other. Thanks for letting us be in tzrif 13. Thanks for letting us be Jews. Thanks for letting us eat!


Tzrif 15:

Thank you G-d for keeping us safe and for good health. Please protect all good people. Thank you for giving us food and drinks. Thank you for giving us second chances. Thank you for reminding us that we don't rule the world.


Tzrif 17:

Thank you for letting us have such good friends. Thank you for making Camp Ramah. Please make this masa (journey) the best masa ever!


Tzrif 19:

Praised are you, Lord our G-d, King of the universe for sending us to Camp Ramah!


Tzrif 21:

Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who protects Israel. We ask for peace in the world.

Categories: Ilanot