Kochavim: A beautiful shabbat and on to Six Flags!


Kochavim has had a wonderful start to our second week together. Leading up to Shabbat on Friday, on the theme of kabbalat shabbat, we invited a special guest to our peulat edah (edah activity): shabbat hamalkah (the shabbat Queen). We learned about what she does and does not prefer, and then her favorite song, lecha dodi. 

photo (23)during a peulat edah

Before shabat, we gathered as an edah to hear a story, and charged ourselves with finding somthing over the next 25 hours to make shabbat unique and holy.


We began this week excited to return to our normal schedule of chugim and peulot. On Monday night we shared a peulah with Amitzim staff to read a story together, learn about, and discuss our feelings on people in our community who learn and behave differently than we do. This peulah is in preparation for our shared t’fillot with the Tikvah community Wednesday morning, but it is also very important to give kochavimers a full taste of Ramah New England.

Tomorrow we head off to Six Flags – the chanichim and tzevet cannot wait!

Categories: Kochavim