Kochavim & T’fila

Adat-haKochavim began their morning as usual with t’fila.  Old favorite tunes were used, and new ones were introduced. Hand motions were popular, especially accompanying the prayer Or Hadash when the chanichim (campers) made a sun with their arms.

In introduction to the Amida, the chanichim were reminded to think of all the various things and people in the world for whom they are grateful.  Our camp-wide theme this summer here at Palmer is Hakarat haTov (gratitude).  A large white poster board had already been filled with the list of those things and people, as a reminder and reinforcement of Hakarat haTov each day.

The tfila concluded with a rousing rendition of Adon Olam to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.  Rosh Edah Emma N. also reviewed the daily schedule, which includes: aruchat boker (breakfast), Nikayon (clean-up chores), Peulat Tzrif (bunk activity), Chugim (electives), Hinuch (education), lunch, rest time, Agam (swimming), Bechirot (free choice) which include ropes, art, boating and tennis; Tarbut Yisraelit (Israeli Culture); dinner; and Medura (campfire) complete with singing and s’mores! Wow, a fun and action-packed day, beginning with a wonderfully centering t’fila.

Categories: Kochavim, Tefillot