Meah Milim, Torah Treats & Adat Ha-Nivonim Plaque Revealed!

This morning the final meah milim winners of the summer were announced! We are very proud of all of the chanichim (campers) that were nominated this summer during Machzor Rishon (first session) and Machzor Sheini (second session). Not all were chanichim nominated but we had little ones from our Gan who participated as well as senior staff. There is a very special atmosphere created in machaneh ramah where using Hebrew in our day to day life is just as much a part of the camp as going to different peulot (activities). We all feel very proud of all of the new Hebrew words we have learned over the summer and can’t wait to use them when we go back home. Kol Hakavod- Great job!


This week we had a special addition to the Yom Shishi Aruchat Boker experience where every chanich that read from the Torah received a special treat at both Tzad Aleph (A-side) and Tzad Bet (B-side) Aruchat Boker. The Torah is sweet and so are the treats that were awarded to these amazing chanichim!

There are a lot of memories represented in the nivonim plaque. The rainbow road represents our Yom sport theme, mariokart, and the kazoo represents how we played assassins this year. In every music note, there is another special memory portrayed such as etgar, our machazemer, or the Miriam dance. A fun fact about this plaque is that the notes are laid out to the music of mah yedidut, a hit Hebrew song this kayitz in the edah that we brought to Friday night tzad bet Shira.