From Bogrim: Damages to Magshimim: Boker Tzrif Bocce — with Dr. Josh Kulp

Our Rosh Beit Midrash Dr. Josh Kulp, is seen here (below) with Bogrim chanichim (campers) delving in to the fascinating subject of Damages (Nezikin), Mishna Baba Kamma 8.    The group began by discussing why the seemingly dry, technical subject of Damages is actually so vitally important to a well-functioning society.  Some of the aspects discussed were fairness, retribution, revenge, peace, war, chaos, anarchy, law and order.

The next morning, Dr. Kulp can be seen leading a perek (period) of Bocce during our camp-wide community-building Boker Tzrif (Bunk Morning) program, this time with Magshimim chanichim (photos below).  These Magshimim chanichim had great fun together and learned new skills in a sport that was completely new to almost the entire bunk.