Moadon Tzevet (Staff Clubhouse): Refurbished!

Classy, sleek new chairs, tables, and rugs lend a wonderful clean, welcoming sparkle to our Moadon Tzevet.  Modeling the new furniture are our intrepid Tzevet Nivonim (photos top and below).  They are most pleased with the new acquisitions, and had a lot to say about the pieces and their potential configurations.  Some comments:

*The new furnishings are conducive to a collaborative work environment

*The atmosphere is like Starbucks (a positive, m.b.)

*There are multiple seating combinations that enable several groups to meet in a semi-private fashion simultaneously

*The furniture cultivates a cohesive staff

*The drawers give ample storage space

*Evening programming for Tzevet now has a great space to meet

*It looks, smells and feels clean, new and fresh!