“My Two Weeks at Summer Camp as an Adult”

Sports Staff member Louis Piels has written a marvelous article about his two weeks at camp, posted on Jewishboston.com. Here is an excerpt:

What struck me most when I arrived at Machaneh (Camp) Ramah during the first few days of shavua hachana (staff week), before campers arrived in June, was the boundless energy, ruach (spirit), intellect (both religious and secular) and organization of the staff and camp operation. The passion was infectious. It was demonstrated in song and dance, and in conversation about making all campers—regardless of physical, emotional and cognitive development stages—comfortable and enriched. I saw how serious the staff took the educational sessions, ranging from allergy sensitivity to emergency preparations to making d’var Torah presentations. As a parent of two hanikhim (campers), I was heartened by it all. Then came the “drash-off.” On that first Shabbat tzevet (staff Shabbat), the rosh eidot (heads of the divisions) paired up and engaged in a spirited challenge against each other to present the various prayers of the Amidah in an entertaining and energetic way. I was blown away—not just by the creativity and knowledge that these young staffers demonstrated, but by the unbelievable support amongst the nearly 300 other staff that followed each drash, with songs that developed into cheers, and cheers that developed into dance.

Click here to read the whole article!