Nivonim: MiNis on Tzad Aleph


In Nivonim, we have come to love what we call Shishi B'Shetach/Friday Field Days.  Every Friday, our MiNis (Madrichim b'Nivonim/counselors that are Nivonimers) head over to Tzad Aleph/A-Side to run peulot/activities for the younger hanichim

It starts at lunch where our Madrich/Counselor MiNis and Amitzim MiNis eat with their tzrifim/bunks and have fun in the hadar ochel/dining hall. 012

Then, later in the day, our Peula/Programming MiNis plan peulot tzrif/bunk activities for their tzrifim in Solelim.  This time together allows our hanichim to learn how to become madrichim and in the process, wonderful connections and relationships are formed.


Shishi B'Shetach has been a huge success this summer.  And that success is due to the hard work and dedications from all of our Nivonimers.  Yashar Koach to all of our MiNis for working so hard to give the amazing Ramah experience to the younger hanichim around camp. 

Categories: Nivonim