Nivonim and Shoafim “It’s a Good Life” Chug Time Capsules!

All kayitz long I look forward to one of my favorite traditions.  On the last Yom Shishi (Friday) of camp, after aruchat tzohorayim (lunch), I gather with adat ha-Nivonim and we open the time capsule that all of the participants in the “It’s a Good Life” chug had created, together with me, on the last Shabbat of their Shoafim kayitz, when they were the oldest edah on Tzad Aleph.  Niv ’18’s time capsule was sealed back on the last Shabbat of kayitz 2014.  It was so much fun to open the time capsule together and see what everyone had put in!  Many kids put objects in the time capsule (from a small turtle stuffed animal to a page from a 2014 newspaper), and they all wrote letters (on blue paper, of course, because we love blue in the “It’s a Good Life” chug) to their future Nivonim selves.  Take a look at the photos below of the kids opening the time capsule!!

Then, less than an hour later, I gathered with the “Good Life” chug kids in Shoafim 2018, and we created and sealed our time capsule, not to be opened until the last Shabbat of Nivonim 2022!!  The time capsule is now safely stored in my office, to await that day… Shabbat shalom!

And here is our Shoafim time capsule, which we just sealed!  It will wait patiently in my office until the last Friday of Niv 2022…