Opening Day: Adat-haMagshimim Meet — the Garden!

Barak Laness is spending his first kayitz (summer) here at Ramah Palmer, but he is quite familiar with our type of Kehilla (community) as he has spent 5 years on Tzevet (staff) at Ramah Wisconsin.  In Israel, he and his family live on the Golan Heights, in the town נָטוּר.  Both he and his wife Vered (also on Tzevet here) work in the field of Education, Special Education and Educational Research.  Barak serves on our Tzevet Limud (Education staff), and specifically in the Garden of our newly expanded and enhanced Pinat Teva (Nature corner).   Our chanichim (campers) from adat-haMagshimim got an opening day treat when Barak gave them a tour of the Garden with its numerous plantings including dill, corn, tomatoes, squash, peppers, sun chokes, radish, onions, leeks, scallions, garlic, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, basil, sage, and sorrel.


Categories: Magshimim, Opening Day