Optimize Your Ramah Experience!



After spending months this off-season working with our Board of Directors, many camp parents and members of our staff, we are pleased to announce some exciting changes to our daily schedule this summer at Camp Ramah!  We'll be offering all of our campers (from our youngest to oldest edot) new opportunities to optimize their schedules so that they can spend longer chunks of time in activities that particularly engage their skills and  interests.

This summer, most edot will be offered three "free choice" prakim (periods of the day) in place of our previous prakim for sport, chug (elective), and Tarbut Yehudit (Jewish Arts).  In each perek, there will be offerings from our sport and Jewish Arts departments and from our other chug choices from around camp (boating, archery, ropes/adventure course, etc.).

In the past, campers could only sign up for one sport (during their sport perek); now a camper who loves sports could sign up for basketball in the morning, followed by ultimate frisbee and then softball in the afternoon!  A camper who loves the arts (who in previous summers had only one opportunity to sign up for omanut) could sign up for painting in the morning, followed by ceramics and then woodworking in the afternoon.  And, of course, campers will be able to choose to diversify their selections – perhaps by signing up for modern or Israeli dance in the morning, followed by photography and then tennis in the afternoon. 

In addition to these "free choice" prakim, we will continue to offer our Bechirot perek to all of camp.  At 5:30 each day, all of our specialty departments will throw open their doors so that campers from any edah (Tzad Aleph OR Tzad Bet) can choose a different activity every day.  On Monday a camper might choose to go down to the agam for free swim, but on Tuesday head over to the ropes course!  (We're also pleased that this summer, for the first time, our Bechirot perek will be offered at the SAME TIME – 5:30 – to both Tzad Aleph and Tzad Bet.  This will be a great opportunity for siblings in different edot to hang out and have fun together!)

We have assembled a phenomenally talented group of specialty staff members this summer – experienced sports coaches, talented artists and musicians, and more – and we are very excited to give our campers opportunities to become more deeply engaged in the areas they are passionate about.