Shabbat is coming and we are so happy!

Tzrif 37 welcomed all of tzad aleph through the Sha’ari Shabbat (Shabbat gates) this morning with singing, flower waving and happy greetings of “Shabbat Shalom.”  The Sha’ari Shabbat, a long standing tradition at Machane Ramah, are set up on Friday morning before aruchat boker (breakfast) for tzad aleph.  Every week, one or two tzrifim from Solelim welcome the rest of tzad aleph with cheerful greetings, singing, flowers, banners and flags.

Shabbat music played over the new sound system from the chadar.  Chanichim were so happy that the gates were ready to go in their new location on the path to the chadar ochel.  Here is a little taste of  our pre-Shabbat joy:


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