Shoafim Updates: Looking Back on a Beautiful Shabbat

There is no better way to wrap up week two and welcome week three than with the Shabbat Shoafim had.  Friday's Boker Tzrif gave our tzrifim (bunks) ample opportunity to continue developing their group dynamics, and the follow-up surprise of Yom Foam gave the morning that extra boost of fun and spontaneity as roughly 160 A-side campers dove into a heaping, foaming, slip 'n' slide.  Going into Shabbat, Shoafim focused their prayers and intentions towards the topic of equality and awareness of stereotypes.  Building off of the story from last week's parasha, Pinhas, about the daughters of Zelophehad, our hanichim learned during morning tefilot (services) about the contemporary liturgical custom of adding in the matriarchs to the first blessing of the Amidah.  In the afternoon, winding down from a day of Shabbat rest and sports games in the most perfect weather imaginable, the Shoafimers gathered for a special peulat Shabbat (Shabbat activity) about famous Jewish women and breaking down stereotypes.  While one group of hanichim looked at a series of photos that would challenge commonly held stereotypes about gender divisions in our culture, the other group was interviewing famous Jewish women from the Talmud through modernity, as portrayed by members of our teaching staff at camp.  I was amazed by and proud of the insightful comments that came from these group of Shoafimers.

That evening, Shoafim sang a spirited and spiritually enlivening havdalah together with Ilanot and Solelim (all of A-side together), with the help of our music staff who accompanied on guitar and drums to create an overall beautiful aesthetic experience.

As we turn in for the night we are looking forward to a busy and fun-filled day tomorrow; this evening the Nivonim campers broke out Yom Sport (a.k.a. Color War) to all of camp and will be putting on a day of team-building and competition for the entire camp tomorrow.  Check back soon for more updates.

Also, please enjoy this message from the counselors in Tzrif 5!!

"Hi Bunk 5 family and friends!  Boker tzrif was a major success for bunk 5.  We were fortunate enough to spend a part of the morning jumping on the water trampoline, which all of the boys loved.  To add to the excitement, the final member of our bunk 5 team, for whom we've been excitedly waiting, finally arrived last week from Israel.  Everyone is excited for Color War, which is continuing to build the excitement that began with Six Flags, Yom Foam, and an  incredible Shabbat in Shoafim."

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