Shul House Rocks — Building a Culture of Teen Songleading

Our own shira staff-member and amazing song-leader, Gastón Bogomolni, shares news of this program for teens:

Shul House Rock is an unparalleled training program for teenagers interested in learning about Jewish songleading. Our Boston area NFTY and USY teens will have a chance to learn the craft of leading Jewish music with nationally renowned songleader and performer Dan Nichols as well as Max Chaiken, Noah Aronson and other local Cantors & songleaders who will facilitate the program with Dan. The program is open to students in grades 9-12 (*Grade 8 students by special invite only) who have an interest in music leadership or who have been invited by their temple clergy.

The two-day teen intensive program includes:  

  • Shabbat  t’fillah led by Dan and teens
  • Small group work with Dan and facilitators
  • New repertoire
  • Havdallah “Hootenanny” and Beyt-Café student showcase
  • Sunday a.m. all-school program with Dan and teen and lab school in-class songleading
  • Wrap up (Where do we go from here?)
  • Home hospitality
  • A fun, inclusive and intensively powerful experience for all!

Much of the funding for this program comes from a special grant at Temple Beth Avodah which supports exciting new leadership programs. We are asking participating synagogues to partner with us to help offset the cost of the event through sponsoring registration fees. We are hoping clergy and youth advisors will encourage aspiring music leaders in their congregations by offering partial/full scholarships as an incentive.

Shul House Rock registration fee is $100.00 per student (or $85.00 early registration rate before Jan.1). Online registration begins 11/16 at (Click “events and forms”, click “shul house rock”)

Please contact Susan Glickman  if you need more information or have any questions.

Categories: Assistant Director