Solelim Brings the Soul


Shalom L’kulam,

The kayitz (summer) has begun, and Solelim is off to the most incredible start!! After the chanichim (campers) arrived at camp, they played several games with other chanicim (campers) from their tzrif (bunk). The games fostered communication, team-work, and name-learning.

Tzrif 5 boys are all smiles!
Tzrif 5 boys are all smiles!

We gathered for an edah-wide peulah (activity), where we introduced our energetic, passionate, and caring tzevet (staff), taught the Super Secret Solelim Handshake to the entire edah, and began learning our catchy edah song, to the tune of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”.

Sammy Rabinowitz (tzrif 1) leads the entire edah in the Solelim song!
Sammy Rabinowitz (tzrif 1) leads the entire edah in the Solelim song!

The entire edah slept very soundly last night, and we awakened ourselves with the joyous tunes of our morning tfilot (prayers). We had a special guest at our tfilot (prayers) this morning: Sally Heckelman. Sally is Rosh Shira (Head of Singing), and she comes with incredible talent and experience in teaching new and exciting tunes. We learned a very upbeat tune to “Oseh Shalom” (“Peace Maker”), and sang it at the end of the Amidah (Standing, silent prayer) accompanied by Sally and her guitar!

The first official day of camp was  exceptional. Everyone was able to meet new friends, bond with their madrichim (counselors), and relish in the beautiful weather!

Tzrif 19 "Al Haderech" ("On the Road")!
Tzrif 19 “Al Haderech” (“On the Road”)!

We can’t wait for day two!! Kol Tuv!

Categories: Solelim