Solelim enjoy Peulot Tzrif (bunk activities)!!

   Solelim had some wonderful peulot tzrif yesterday. They discovered, learned, enjoyed, and explored different things.

    Tzrif #1 joined Tzrif #3 bonded over an exhilarating game of ultimate frisbee. The boys really have an a great amount of energy and they used the afternoon to enjoy the nice weather, bond, and run around.

  The Tzrif #13 girls did an exercise where they wrote letters to themselves with some goals and ideas that they would like to accomplish over the summer, at the end of camp they will open them and see what has evolved.

   Tzrif #15 participated in the new program called 'Daber' (Speak), which is the National Ramah Commision's new initiative to speak more Hebrew. One of the fellows organized an activity where there was a poster board with words of the song "Ani v'Ata neshaneh et haolam" (You and I will change the world) written on it. The followed along and learned the song, then subsequently broke into pairs to create a sentence of their own with the words 'Ani v'At" (you and i -feminine form). It was a great success and the girls really participated while speaking in Hebrew!

   Tzrif #17 created tzrif unity by tying and beading together beautiful bunk bracelets. They had a great time!

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