Take your Camper to Camp Day: Shoafim & White Crane Kung Fu

Our kayitz (summer) 2019 kick-off continues with two “Take Your Camper to Camp” days.  Each madrich (counselor) accompanies their chanichim (campers) to each peula (activity) and chug (elective), and participates in the peula with their chanichim.  This greatly enhances the transition into the machaneh (camp) for each chanich, and builds great connections between the chanichim and madrichim.  These chanichim from adat ha-Shoafim are learning the fundamentals of White Crane (Pak Hok Pai) Kung Fu.  This type of martial art is characterized by a wide stance, as well as an emphasis on the “art” of martial arts.  The participants are pictured here doing stretches along with warm-up, balance and strength-building exercises.

Here the chanichim and their madrich are learning the correct stance, arm movements, leg movements, punches, and kicking.  To top it all off, they are learning to count 1-10 in Chinese!

Ariel Malkan, here on the Kung Fu Tzevet (staff) for the first time at our machaneh (camp), grew up in Ranana.  He recently completed his Tzahal (Israeli army) service.  Ariel served as an officer in the human resources division at HaKirya (Headquarters) in Tel Aviv.   Upon his return to Israel, Ariel plans to prepare for the entrance exams for Medical School in Israel.  LeHatzlacha Ariel!  Here, Ariel models the Pak Hok Pai Kung Fu T-Shirt as well as various Pak Hok Pai exercises:

Categories: Chugim, Shoafim