Tarbut Yisraelit (Israeli Culture): Beginnings and Endings; Ilanot Tzrif 21, Solelim Tzrif 35 and Bogrim Tzrif 41 Win Big

The tzevet Tarbut Yisraelit (Israeli Culture staff) are pictured above and below, as they prepared the Café Ramah for First Session.  They involved their entire families, including chanichim (campers) Nili, Joy, Ofri, Naomi and Michal as well.  Café Ramah, and its tzevet, exuded radical hospitality, creativity, and a love for Israel.

Also pictured here are the winners from Ilanot, Solelim and Bogrim of the two camp-wide contests that were run, including IsraelGo Info, and IsraelGo Hebrew.  These two original games, based on Pokémon Go, involved all the chanichim in learning about Israel’s geography, history, politics, music, culture, etc. as well as Hebrew.   The winners from tzrifim (bunks) 21, 35 and 41 excelled in all areas of Tarbut Yisraelit.  Yasher Koach!