The View From the Dock — Highlight on Sirot!


From David Green, our Rosh Sirot (the head of our boating program):

Dear Parents,

What a wonderful week we had in Sirot (Boating) last week!

We began the week observing Tisha B’Av with an enjoyable but more serious day examining the life in our Agam (lake).  From the waters that feed it to the microscopic organisms, insects, fish and plant life that keep it clean and wonderful for our campers.

Later in the week we continued out emphasis on teaching sailing to as many campers as possible with campers taking advantage of a strong steady wind on Thursday to really speed across the Agam. During the week campers also participated in, paddleboard clinics free boating and spirited game of capture the flag led by our amazing young Israeli staff.

We’re having a great time teaching boating to your kids this session!!
