Tikvah Hakarat Hatov Tekes (Ceremony)

It was a special morning for Tikvah and all those who work with Voc Ed as job coaches. A special appreciation ceremony marked the end of the kayitz (summer) where members of Voc Ed and their job coaches were given special recognition for the amazing work that they do around camp. A lot of the work that Voc Ed does might be behind the scenes but it is truly integral for helping Machaneh Ramah run smoothly and efficiently. These mornings Tekes Todah (thank you gathering) was a real testimony to not only the fact that the Voc Ed members and job coaches do a lot of work but that that work is done with a lot of love.

On behalf of Camp Ramah in New England, we would like to offer our sincerest thanks for everyone’s hard work this summer! Your work in camp has been very important to keeping camp running smoothly. While all of you had a specific job, as a group, your team worked in the chadar ochel (dining room) setting tables and preparing meals for the entire camp, created treats and filled orders in the Voc Ed bakery, did inventory and packed macolet (canteen) orders for campers to enjoy, staffed the mercaz (mailroom) to make sure that everyone in camp received their mail, packages, and lost belongings, learned and provided hospitality services in the Guest House, assisted in pinat teva(nature corner) with gardening and animal care, and assisted in bishul (cooking) and omanut (arts department.) You all contributed SO much to camp! A big Yasher Koach (great job) on an amazing summer!

Categories: Tikvah