Tzad Bet Shira (singing)!

The madrichim of Tzad Bet led a wonderful Shira (song) session Thursday evening after aruchat erev (dinner).   The energy and happiness was palpable.  Everyone was up, clapping, singing, dancing, and participating in the conga line.  Make sure to see the words for the Shir Ramah (Ramah Song), below.  Yasher Koach madrichim!




שיר רמה


בבוקר קם פרפר ועף מעבר לגדר

סימן שבא השמש, צהריים.

אתמול ירדו גשמים ולא הפסיקו לדקה,

הכל רטוב, הכל כבר השתנה…


(Oh Baby)

טוב לראות את השמש

טוב לי לחייך

טוב לי לשיר את השירה

טוב כשהשמיים כחול וקצת לבן

טוב לי במחנה רמה.



Ba-boker kam parpar ve-af me’ever legader,

Siman she-ba ha-shemesh, zohorayim.

Etmol yardu geshamim ve-lo hifsiku le-daka,

Hakol ratov, ha-kol kvar hishtana.


(Oh baby,)

Tov lir’ot hashemesh, tov li lechayech,

Tov li lashir et ha-shira…

Tov ke’she’hashamayim kachol u-ketzat lavan,

Tov li be-Machaneh Ramah.




At dawn, the butterfly awoke and began to fly away –

A sign the sun has finally risen and it is noontime.

Yesterday the rain did not cease even for a moment –

Everything is wet, but all has changed.


It is good to see the sun,

It is wonderful to smile,

I love being part of the rejoicing and the song,

It is good when the heavens are blue and white too,

I love it here at Machaneh Ramah.