Tzevet Echad: One Staff — Last Day of Staff Week!

The last day of Shavua Hachana (staff training week)! The excitement builds! We are treated to spiritual nourishment through a D’var Tefila (prayer commentary) delivered by Dr. Josh Kulp, our Rosh Beit Midrash.  He focused on Rambam’s attitude towards Tefila (prayer) as our opportunity to ask God for help in times of stress, trouble, or suffering.  We are not in this alone! Of course, this is in addition to our practice of daily Tefila and all the details that go along with that.

Also spotted is our intrepid, tireless photographer Karen Cohen who magically aperates all over our 100 acre campus, preparing for…opening day tomorrow (left, below).  Karen has served as camp photographer for 7 years in her tireless & systematic fashion.  Below right, are members of our Tzevet Limud (education staff) brainstorming great ideas.

The celebratory banquet was capped by exuberant dancing in the Chadar Ochel (dining room), a great indicator of the wonderfully high energy of our entire Tzevet.