Tzrif (bunk) Bonding in Shoafim

On Fridays and Sundays, our hanichim (campers) have the opportunity to get to know the hanichim in their own tzrif (bunk) a little better with special programs planned by their madrichim (counselors).  I want to take the chance to highlight the spectacular peulot tzrif (bunk activities) that happened this morning in Shoafim.  It has been wonderful to see the hanichim smiling and solidifying the bonds that hold together a tzrif and make the summer the special experience it is.

In tzrif 5, the boys played a memory game written by one of their Israeli madrichim involving a pre-made playlist of popular Israeli songs representing the various genres of music in Israel (hip-hop, folk, middle-eastern, opera, etc.).  By utilizing the set-up and game-play of a typical memory card game, the hanichim were challenged to both recall where a certain song title or genre was listed on the cards in front of them to be able to find it later on, as well as to identify Israeli songs and artists as they hear them.  Be sure to ask your children about Subliminal and other Israeli favorites.  Their expertise may surprise you!

In tzrif 21, the girls created a web of memories using a ball of rope.  Sitting in a circle, they wrapped a piece of rope around their wrist and tossed the ball to another girl in the tzrif, while saying something she likes about her or an activity she enjoys doing with her.  At the end, the visual they created was a web of interconnected memories, hopes, and compliments that will carry them through the summer as a unit.

In tzrif 23, the girls began painting a giant canvas together… with their fingers!  The catch to this project was that each girl was only given one color, and the tzrif had to work together to create a unified picture.  This strengthened the girls' sense of community and teamwork as they charge up for a second great month together.

In tzrif 25, the boys spent the hour writing letters to themselves and playing a funny game called Teradactyl.  It is amazing to see the growth that our hanichim undergo in the four or eight weeks they spend here.  Now, because of this peulat tzrif, the hanichim themselves will be able to look at themselves from multiple perspectives at the end of camp to see how far they have come as individuals and as a group.

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